Velocity Software's zVPS will manage Solaris servers in the same manner as Linux servers. Solaris provides a ported version of the same snmp (NETSNMP with the UCD mib) as Linux.
Performance management requires the ability to do the following:
Support is agentless, with all data collected via snmp. Support for monitoring servers is at no extra charge - there are no agents to license.
Data is consistent with For example, current processors running on two solaris servers:
18:47:00 solarisb snmpd 1817 Applic Running 1407 0.11 0.19 7892 18:47:00 solarisb nwam-man 1614 Applic ResWait 2666 0.07 0.12 12012 18:47:00 solarisb java 1567 Applic ResWait 18919 0.45 0.77 58580 18:47:00 solarisb svc.conf 13 Applic ResWait 2964 0.07 0.12 20960 18:47:00 solarisb *Totals* 0 Unknown Unknown 0 0.95 0.02 753776 18:47:00 solarisa snmpd 1428 Applic Running 3359 0.07 0.11 6976 18:47:00 solarisa java 1210 Applic ResWait 12766 0.28 0.46 39352 18:47:00 solarisa mixer_ap 1200 Applic ResWait 8471 0.19 0.31 10540 18:47:00 solarisa java 1107 Applic ResWait 5954 0.13 0.21 44812 18:47:00 solarisa gconfd-2 911 Applic ResWait 3243 0.08 0.13 9768 18:47:00 solarisa java 623 Applic ResWait 6117 0.13 0.21 136048
Velocity Software is the recognized leader — both in product capabilities and in experience — in measurement facilities for consolidation of servers such as Windows or Sun to Linux running under z/VM.