Velocity Software, Inc. is recognized as a leader in the performance measurement of z/VM and Linux on z. The Velocity Performance Suite consist of a set of tools that enable installations running z/VM to manage Linux and z/VM performance. In addition, many components of server farms can be measured and analyzed. Performance data can be viewed real-time through the use of either 3270 or a browser. The CLOUD Implementation (zPRO) component is designed for full cloud PaaS implementation as well as to extend the capabilities of the z/VM sysprog (system programmer) to the browser world. This feature moves system management to the point-and-click crowd. Archived data and reports can be kept available of long term review and reporting usine zMAP. The zVPS, formally ESALPS, components consist of: zMON (formally ESAMON - real-time display of performance data), zTCP (formally ESATCP - SNMP data collection), zMAP (formally ESAMAP - historical reporting and archiving), zVWS (formally ESAWEB - z/VM based web server), zTUNE (a subscription service), zVIEW (formally SHOWCASE - web based viewing of performance data), zPRO (new to the quality line of Velocity Software Products). Velocity continues to work with other software vendors to ensure smooth interface with or from other products such as VM:Webgateway, CA-Webgateway, EnterpriseWeb, MXG, MICS. Velocity software remains the leader and inovator in the z/VM performance, Linux performance, Managing cloud computing arenas.
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Velocity Software's Presentation Page

This page contains Velocity presentations on various z/VM and Linux on System z topics.

NEW Presentations

zPRO Webinar, 2021: Modernizing Your z/VM Platform With zPRO From Velocity Software

Hillgang 2017: zVPS 4.3 - What's new for managing Linux in your enterprise

SHARE, Hillgang, 2017: Performance Case Study, focus on SMT on z/VM

IBM EDGE 2015: Self Service (PaaS) for Linux on z, Simple and Effective

MVMUA, CAVMAN 2015: Implementing cloud on z/VM

MVMUA, CAVMAN 2015: How fast is your z13? EC12?

SHARE March 2015: Storage (RAM) Performance Analysis and Tuning

SHARE MARCH 2015: How fast is your EC12?

Capacity Planning for 1000 Servers

Accounting and Chargeback

zVPS 4.2 - What is new

Velocity and zLinux at Nedbank

Rob's BEST SESSION, Large Linux Server Performance

Configuration and Use of z/VM Dirmaint and SMAPI'

Automated Operations and Monitoring using zVPS (VM Workshop, June 2014)

CMS Shared File System Usage and Administration (VM Workshop, June 2014)

Performance Analysis Flowchart (March 2012)

Complete Presentations

Linux and z/VM Performance Configuration Guidelines (March 2014)

Linux Performance Suite

ESALPS Overview

Oracle Performance (WAVV, May 2004)

Performance Analysis for Linux (WAVV, May 2004)

Server Consolidation (IBM Technical Conference, 2002)

Measuring Linux and NT Servers (IBM Technical Conference, 2002)

Server Consolidation (CMG Australia, 2002)

Server Consolidation (IBM Technical Conference, 2003)

Presentation Excerpts

The following are excerpts from various Velocity Software presentations. Velocity Software is very active in researching on VM and Linux on System z performance; these excerpts highlight specific interesting points from some of the presentations above.

Correcting Linux reporting
Why Linux process reporting is incorrect on shared hardware, as well as how ESALPS avoids the problem.

Consolidation Overview

SNMP Technology

TOP vs. NETSNMP Analysis

SNMP Performance Cost

Processor Capacity Requirements

Storage Capacity Requirements

DISK Capacity Requirements

AFS Performance Case Study, or Why Linux CPU Reporting is So Very Very Wrong!

Linux Performance Case Study

Performance Tuning Guide

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