Velocity Software, Inc. is recognized as
a leader in the performance measurement of z/VM and Linux on z.
The Velocity Performance Suite consist of a set of tools that
enable installations running z/VM to manage Linux and z/VM
In addition, many components of server farms can be
measured and analyzed. Performance data can be viewed real-time
through the use of either 3270
or a browser.
The CLOUD Implementation (zPRO) component is designed
for full cloud PaaS implementation as well as
to extend the capabilities of the z/VM sysprog (system programmer)
to the browser world. This feature moves system management to
the point-and-click crowd. Archived data and reports can be
kept available of long term review and reporting usine zMAP.
The zVPS, formally ESALPS, components consist of:
zMON (formally ESAMON - real-time display of performance data),
zTCP (formally ESATCP - SNMP data collection),
zMAP (formally ESAMAP - historical reporting and archiving),
zVWS (formally ESAWEB - z/VM based web server),
zTUNE (a subscription service),
zVIEW (formally SHOWCASE - web based viewing of performance data),
zPRO (new to the quality line of Velocity Software Products).
Velocity continues to work with other software vendors to ensure
smooth interface with or from other products such as
VM:Webgateway, CA-Webgateway, EnterpriseWeb, MXG, MICS.
Velocity software remains the leader and inovator in the
z/VM performance, Linux performance, Managing cloud computing
Velocity Software's zVPS runs on all levels of z/VM. There are no
software or hardware requirements other than being a supported
configuration (or was a supported configuration at one time).
All code operates on z/VM. The only code provided that does not
operate on z/VM is the snmp library that is loaded to each
linux guest, and the snmp agent that runs on z/VSE.
zVPS has disk requirements for:
SFS File Pool server (2000 cylinders)
Step by step instructions are provided to create the SFS File Pool
for zVPS.
Note that ADMIN authority is required by the zVPS
installer program.
The filepool server contains:
Product code
Configuration data
Console logs
Other logging data
Data storage
One minute data - per day (100 cylinders, plus 6 cylinders per Linux
server. Normally 2 days of 1 minute data would be kept online. For
100 servers, 1500 cylinders is more than sufficient. This
is the "ZWRITE 191" disk.
Archive data (normally 15 minute granularity) - 2 cylinders per
Linux server. Normally 30 days of data would be kept online. Thus
for 100 servers 6,000 cylinders is sufficient for 30 days.
This is the "ZMAP 192" disk.
Reports - Report sizes are tailored to meet requirements. Full
reporting for 100 servers requires about 10 cylinders per day. Normally
reports would be kept online for 10 days. This disk also will contain
other chart data and working storage, so add 300 cylinders to the disk
for other functions and work space.
400 cylinders is usually a sufficient starting
zVPS can be fully installed in about 2 hours. Installation materials
that must be available for a successful installation:
The Global Installer installation guide - printed!
All PROD libraries. Each PROD library (eg. ZMAP PROD5100) will have
a base library with right most digit a zero, and may have an update
library (eg. ZMAP PROD5108). Both are required.
A product key provided unique to each installation. This key is date
and customer specific, but does not use CPU serial numbers.
Some form of an "UNPACK EXEC" such as:
/* pipe to deblock image data */
parse upper arg fn ft fm outfn outft outfm
If outfn = '=' then outfn = fn
if outft = '=' then outft = ft
/* pipe to deblock image data */
if ft = '' then do;say 'format: unpack fn ft fm outfn outft outfm'
'pipe' ,
'<' fn ft fm ,
'| fblock 1024 00 ',
'| block 1024 fixed',
'| unpack ',
'| >' outfn outft outfm
A summary of the installation procedure as presented in detail by the
installation guide is:
Create the Installer userid (zVPS) (20 minutes)
Create the new SFS filepool (20 minute).
Load the installer (10 minutes).
Initialize the performance products (zMAP, zMON, zWRITE, zTCP)
(30 minutes) including creating the userids
Load the performance products (5 minutes)
Create saved segments (5 minutes)
Start the performance products and test (5 minutes)
Initialize the webserver zVWS (10 minutes)
Add PORTS to the TCPIP PROFILE and use the OBEYFILE process
to dynamically add ports
Load the webserver (10 minutes)
Load the web applications ZPORTAL and ZVIEW (10 minutes)
Add the snmp library to the Linux servers, initialize snmpd (30
minutes the first time, 5 minutes second time)
Add the node IP Addresses to ZTCP parameter file
Test the applications and have fun
zPRO Pre-reqs
Velocity Software's zPRO runs on all levels of z/VM. The software
requirements include:
zVPS installed; zVWS installed and available
Directory Manager - currently DIRMAINT, VM:Secure or zPRO's zDIRECT
Installation defines 20000
SFS blocks for code and management/logging directory space.