/*********************************************************/ /* (c) COPYRIGHT Velocity Software, Inc. 1996 */ /*********************************************************/ /* Build jobs to assemble table definitions */ Parse Upper Arg type . If type = 'USER' Then type = 'USR' 'pipe', '< segment list ', '| locate /*/ ', /* Only selected segments */ '| locate 10-12 /'type'/ ', /* from the named file */ '| spec \(stagesep !)', ' < ESASLRJ'Left(type,1) 'JCL ', '! \ 1 \append < ESASLRPA JCL ', '! \ nw \append literal //L EXEC GASM,M=', '\ nw 1-6 next \L', '! \ next \append < ESASLRSI JCL ', '! \ nw \append <\ nw 1-6 nw \l ASSEMBLE ', '! \ next \append < ESASLREJ JCL ', '! \ nw \append literal //S EXEC GASM,M=\', '\ nw 1-6 next \S', '! \ next \append < ESASLRSI JCL ', '! \ nw \append <\ nw 1-6 nw \s ASSEMBLE ', '! \ next \append < ESASLREJ JCL ', '! \ nw \punch 00D ', '! \ nw '\take 0 ', '! cp close 00D\ nw ', '| runpipe ', '| console' 'CP CLOSE 00D'