; XAMAP/XAMON SLR Interface: System Log Extract Request EXTRACT: ; System configuration Y = 'SERIAL' Y = 'MODEL' ; Sample characteristics Y = 'SAMPLES' Y = 'SECONDS' ; Interval data Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R1 'D0R1 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R1 'D0R1 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R10 'D0R10 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R10 'D0R10 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R14 'D0R14 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R14 'D0R14 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R3 'D0R3 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R4 'D0R4 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R4 'D0R4 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R5 'D0R5 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R5 'D0R5 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R8 'D0R8 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R8 'D0R8 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD5R3 'D5R3 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD5R3 'D5R3 Monitor intervals' ; Processor data Y = 'SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PROC_TOD 'Processor online time' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXPRBTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VTIME 'Emulation CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXUTIME*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_TTIME 'User CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXTMSYS*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROCSYSTIME 'System CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXTOTWT*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROCWAITTIME 'CPU Idle' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSDIAGT*SECONDS/100'; - ; DIAG_INSTR 'Diagnose instructions' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPRVIS*SECONDS'; - ; INST_SIMUL 'Instruction simulation' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSEXTNX*SECONDS'; - ; EXT_INTERRUP 'External interrupt' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSMCHCT*SECONDS'; - ; MACHIN_CHECK 'Machine checks' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSEXTNC*SECONDS'; - ; SIGP_INTERR 'SIGPs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSABNCT*SECONDS'; - ; SOFT_ABENDS 'Soft abends' Y = 'SYTPRP.CALFSTPH*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; FASTPATH_IS 'Fast path instructions' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNCP*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; SIE_INSTRUCT 'SIE instructions' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNPF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; SIE_INTERC 'SIE interceptions' ; Vector Facility data Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFVTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VFVTIME 'Vector facility time used' Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFOTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VFOTIME 'Vector facility overhead' Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFLOD*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PROC_VFLOADS 'Vector loads' ; Storage data Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSSTLFR*SECONDS'; - ; EXT_PAGES 'Pages taken to extend' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSALEMP*SECONDS'; - ; LIST_EMPTY 'Available list empty' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSPRQDF*SECONDS'; - ; DEFERR_TASKS 'Tasks waiting for page' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSNOCMP*SECONDS'; - ; SCAN_FAILED 'Demand scan failures' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAXTEND'; - ; UNSATISFEXT 'Unsatisfied extend requests' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFRQWT'; - ; DEFERRTASKS 'Tasks waiting for frame' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSACPLOK'; - ; CPLOCKPAGES 'Pages locked by LOCK cmd' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAXFREE'; - ; EXTENDPAGES 'Extended pages' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFSTOR'; - ; FREESTORAGE 'Free storage size' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFSYUD'; - ; FSTORAGEUSED 'Free storage in use' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYS98XA'; - ; LP_D98_31 '31-bit Diag 98 pages locked' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYS98370'; - ; LP_D98_24 '24-bit Diag 98 pages locked' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSANONPG'; - ; NONPAGEABLE 'Non-pageable storage' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAPGABL'; - ; PAGEAB_PAGES 'Pageable storage' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYSRSVPG'; - ; RESERVPAGES 'Reserved pages' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSASAVFR'; - ; SAVEAREAPAGE 'Save area frames' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYSVRSZ'; - ; V_EQ_R_SIZE 'V=R area size' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFVRUD'; - ; V_EQ_R_USED 'V=R free storage in use' ; Expanded Storage data Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTXBGET*SECONDS'; - ; XSTOR_ALLOC 'XStore allocations' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTXBREL*SECONDS'; - ; XSTORDEALLOC 'XStore deallocations' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTCTXAV'; - ; XSTOR_AVAIL 'XStore blocks available' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTCPPAR'; - ; XSTOR_BLOCKS 'XStore blocks in CP partition' Y = 'SYTXSP.PLSPGIN*SECONDS'; - ; XSTORE_PAGIN 'PGINs' Y = 'SYTXSP.PLSPGOUT*SECONDS'; - ; XSTOR_PAGOUT 'PGOUTs' Y = 'SYTXSP.PFXPGIN*SECONDS'; - ; FP_PGINS 'Fast path PGINs' ; Paging data Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOPR*SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_READ 'Page reads' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOPW*SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_WRITES 'Page writes' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSSHRRD*SECONDS'; - ; SHRPAGEREADS 'Shared page reads' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTUSRSH*SECONDS'; - ; SHRMIGRATION 'Shared system migrations' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNPF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_FAULTS 'Page faults' ; Spooling data Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOSR*SECONDS'; - ; SPOOL_READS 'Spool reads' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOSW*SECONDS'; - ; SPOOL_WRITES 'Spool writes' ; Transaction data Y = 'SYTUSR.SYSUSRS'; - ; LOGGED_USERS 'Users logged on' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPTRV*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALMPTCT'; - ; MP_TRIV_TIME 'MP trivial response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPTCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; MP_TRIV_TRAN 'MP trivial transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALMPNCT'; - ; MP_NONTRIV_T 'MP non-triv response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; NONTRIV_TRAN 'MP non-triv transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPTRV*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALUPTCT'; - ; UP_TRIV_TIME 'UP trivial response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPTCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; UP_TRIV_TRAN 'UP trivial transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALUPNCT'; - ; UP_NONTRIV_T 'UP non-triv response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; UP_NONT_TRAN 'UP non-triv transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALQDNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALQDNCT'; - ; QUICKDISP_T 'Quick Dispatch response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALQDNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; QUICK_TRANS 'Quick Dispatch transactions' ; Dispatcher data Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSCUHAF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; DEDIC_DISPAT 'Hard affinity dispatches' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMCDISP'; - ; DISPATCHLIST 'Dispatch list users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMCDLDG'; - ; DISPAT_LOAD 'Loading dispatch list users' Y = 'SYTUSR.SRMCDORM'; - ; DORM_USERS 'Dormant list users' Y = 'PRCPRP.DSVMAXUS'; - ; MAX_PLDV 'Maximum users in PLDV' Y = 'PRCPRP.PFXDSPCS*PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; NEWUSRDISPAT 'Long dispatches' Y = 'PRCPRP.HFUSERZ*PRCPRP.HFCOUNT'; - ; PLDV_SAMPLES 'Times PLDV empty' Y = 'PRCPRP.HFUSERC*PRCPRP.HFCOUNT'; - ; PLDV_VMDBK 'VMDBKs in PLDV' Y = 'PRCPRP.PLSDSPCM*PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; VMDBK_MOVED 'VMDBKs moved to master' Y = 'PRCPRP.PLSSTLNU00+//PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; VMDBK_STOLEN 'VMDBKs stolen' ; Scheduler data Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1DSP-SYTSCG.SRMC2DSP'; - ; Q1_USERS 'Q1 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2DSP-SYTSCG.SRMC3DSP'; - ; Q2_USERS 'Q2 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3DSP'; - ; Q3_USERS 'Q3 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1ELG-SYTSCG.SRMC2ELG'; - ; E1_USERS 'E1 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2ELG-SYTSCG.SRMC3ELG'; - ; E2_USERS 'E2 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3ELG'; - ; E3_USERS 'E3 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1DLD-SYTSCG.SRMC2DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q1 'Q1 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2DLD-SYTSCG.SRMC3DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q2 'Q2 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q3 'Q3 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1ELD-SYTSCG.SRMC2ELD'; - ; LOADING_E1 'E1 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2ELD-SYTSCG.SRMC3ELD'; - ; LOADING_E2 'E2 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3ELD'; - ; LOADING_E3 'E3 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMABSDL'; - ; ABS_SHARE 'Total absolute shares' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMRELDL'; - ; REL_SHARE 'Total relative shares' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q1_ELAP_SLIC 'Q1 time slice' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME2ETF*SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q2_ELAP_SLIC 'Q2 time slice' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME3ETF*SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q3_ELAP_SLIC 'Q3 time slice' ; Input/Output data Y = 'SYTCPC.HFCOUNT'; - ; HF_SAMPLES 'High-frequency samples' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTSS*SECONDS'; - ; SSCH 'SSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTRS*SECONDS'; - ; RSCH 'RSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTCS*SECONDS'; - ; CSCH 'CSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTHS*SECONDS'; - ; HSCH 'HSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTSI*SECONDS'; - ; SOLINTERRUP 'Solicited interrupts' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTUI*SECONDS'; - ; UNSOL_INTERR 'Unsolicited interrupts' ; Selection criteria CRITERIA = 'CPU = TOTAL'