Velocity Software, Inc. is recognized as a leader in the performance measurement of z/VM and Linux on z. The Velocity Performance Suite consist of a set of tools that enable installations running z/VM to manage Linux and z/VM performance. In addition, many components of server farms can be measured and analyzed. Performance data can be viewed real-time through the use of either 3270 or a browser. The CLOUD Implementation (zPRO) component is designed for full cloud PaaS implementation as well as to extend the capabilities of the z/VM sysprog (system programmer) to the browser world. This feature moves system management to the point-and-click crowd. Archived data and reports can be kept available of long term review and reporting usine zMAP. The zVPS, formally ESALPS, components consist of: zMON (formally ESAMON - real-time display of performance data), zTCP (formally ESATCP - SNMP data collection), zMAP (formally ESAMAP - historical reporting and archiving), zVWS (formally ESAWEB - z/VM based web server), zTUNE (a subscription service), zVIEW (formally SHOWCASE - web based viewing of performance data), zPRO (new to the quality line of Velocity Software Products). Velocity continues to work with other software vendors to ensure smooth interface with or from other products such as VM:Webgateway, CA-Webgateway, EnterpriseWeb, MXG, MICS. Velocity software remains the leader and inovator in the z/VM performance, Linux performance, Managing cloud computing arenas.
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/* ESASLR REXX pipe stages */                                                   
Parse arg function args                                                         
 When(function = 'SEGUPDT) Call SEGUPDT args                                    
 When(function = 'SEGCOLL) Call SEGCOLL args                                    
 When(function = 'RUNCOLL) Call RUNCOLL args                                    
 When(function = 'SEGGEN ) Call SEGGEN  args                                    
 Otherwise Say 'Invalid rexx request:' function args                            
/* Generate a segment file definition */                                        
   Parse Upper Arg histfn histft                                                
   seghlen = 8   /* Segment header length */                                    
   opt = Substr(histfn,4)                                                       
   If opt = 'USER' Then opt = 'USR'                                             
   offset = 52 - 4*(opt = 'CPU')                                                
   'callpipe < segment list |',                                                 
      'locate 10-12 /'opt'/ |',                                                 
      'locate /*/ |',                                                           
      'spec w1 1 w4 8 w4 13 |',                                                 
      'xlate 15 0-1 8-9 2-7 A-F |',                                             
      'spec /(sep !) < tblupdt skelfile ! change \segname\/ 1',                 
           'w1 next /\ ! change \segl\/ next',                                  
           'w2 next /\ ! change \segs\/ next',                                  
           'w3 next /\ ! > / next',                                             
           'w1 next / TBLUPDT A/ next |',                                       
      'runpipe |',                                                              
/* Generate a segment file definition */                                        
   Parse Upper Arg histfn histft                                                
   seghlen = 8   /* Segment header length */                                    
   opt = Substr(histfn,4)                                                       
   If opt = 'USER' Then opt = 'USR'                                             
   offset = 52 - 4*(opt = 'CPU')                                                
   'callpipe < segment list |',                                                 
      'locate 10-12 /'opt'/ |',                                                 
      'locate /*/ |',                                                           
      'stem seglist.'                                                           
       'stem seglist. |',                                                       
       'spec /? FO: ! locate \/ 1 1.6 next /\ ! take 1 !',                      
            'not chop before string \/ next 1.6 next /\!',                      
            'spec 1.6 1 7.2 c2d nw ! FI: / next |',                             
       'literal FI: faninany ! stem segl. |',                                   
       'literal <' histfn histft '! FO: fanout ? |',                            
       'literal (sep ! end ?) |',                                               
       'join * |',                                                              
      'runpipe |',                                                              
      'stem segl. |',                                                           
      'spec / ? FO: ! CH/ 1 1.6 next /: chop' offset,                           
           '! JU/ next 1.6 next /: juxtapose ! > / next 1.6 next',              
           '/' histft 'a3 ? CH/ next 1.6 next /:',                              
           '! not chop before string \/ next 1.6 next /\',                      
           '! chop / next w2 next / ! JU/ next 1.6 next /:/ next |',            
      'literal ! change 1-2 /  /19/ ! FO: fanout |',                            
      'literal ! spec 1.8 1.8 right \.\ 9 w3 10 25-* 25 |',                     
      'literal (sep ! end ?) <' histfn histft '|',                              
      'join * |',                                                               
      'runpipe |',                                                              
/* Punch the necessary deck to run a COLLECT job */                             
   Parse Arg histfn histft .                                                    
   Do Forever                                                                   
      'peekto record'                                                           
      If Rc <> 0 Then Exit (Rc<>12)*Rc                                          
      segname = Left(record,6)                                                  
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLRJ'Substr(histfn,4,1) 'JCL * (NOH'                
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLRPR JCL * (NOH'                                   
      'callpipe literal     DATASET(ESASLR.LOG.'segname')|',                    
          'punch 00D'                                                           
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLREJ JCL * (NOH'                                   
      'callpipe literal //ESALOG   DD    *,DLM='??'|',                          
          'punch 00D'                                                           
      Address CMS 'netdata send' segname histft '* to * at *',                  
               '(nospool notype nolog'                                          
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLREF JCL * (NOH'                                   
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLRPS JCL * (NOH'                                   
      'callpipe < ESASLRCS JCL |',                                              
         'change /segname/'segname'/ |',                                        
         'punch 00D'                                                            
      Address CMS 'punch ESASLREJ JCL * (NOH'                                   
      Address CMS 'SPOOL PUN CLOSE'                                             
/* Generate a segment file definition */                                        
   Parse Upper Arg histfn histft                                                
   seghlen = 8   /* Segment header length */                                    
   opt = Substr(histfn,4)                                                       
   If opt = 'USER' Then opt = 'USR'                                             
   offset = 52 - 4*(opt = 'CPU')                                                
   'Callpipe < history keywords | histkwds | Stem hkwds.'                       
   'Callpipe < segment list | locate 10-12 /'opt'/ | Stem segments.'            
   Do Forever                                                                   
      'peekto record'                                                           
      If Rc <> 0 Then Call Exit (Rc<>12)*Rc                                     
      header = Left(record,offset)                                              
      rec = Substr(record,offset+1)                                             
      Do While rec <> ''                                                        
         segname = Left(rec,6)                                                  
         seglen = C2d(Substr(rec,7,2))                                          
         'Callpipe Stem segments. |',                                           
            'find' segname'|',                                                  
            'locate /*/ |',                                                     
            'var segrec |',                                                     
            'count lines |',                                                    
            'var doseg'                                                         
         If doseg Then Do                                                       
            'Callpipe (end $) < ESASLR'||Left(opt,1)||'L ASMSTART |',           
             'T1: take 5 |',                                                    
               'change /DREGDA/'segname'/ |',                                   
               'change /ESA'opt'/'segname'/ |',                                 
             'F: faninany |',                                                   
               'pad 80 |',                                                      
               '>' segname'L ASSEMBLE A F',                                     
             'T1: |',                                                           
             'T2: take 1 |',                                                    
               'spec 1-18 1 /'Word(segrec,4)',/ next /*/ 72 |',                 
             'T2: |',                                                           
            'Callpipe (end $) < ESASLRS'||Left(opt,1)||' ASMSTART |',           
             'T1: take 6 |',                                                    
               'change /DREGDA/'segname'/ |',                                   
               'change /ESA'opt'/'segname'/ |',                                 
             'F: faninany |',                                                   
               'Stem sumfile.',                                                 
             'T1: |',                                                           
             'T2: take 1 |',                                                    
               'spec 1-18 1',                                                   
                    '/'D2x(128 + X2d(Word(segrec,4)))',/ next',                 
                    '/*/ 72  |',                                                
             'T2: |',                                                           
            sumstub = sumfile.0                                                 
            segment = Left(rec,seglen)                                          
            segdata = Substr(segment,seghlen+1)                                 
            'Callpipe Stem hkwds. | find 'segname'| stem segdef.'               
            doff = 0                                                            
            Do i = 1 To segdef.0 While seglen > doff+seghlen                    
              doff = Substr(segdef.i,22,2)                                      
              If doff = '' Then Do        /* If no offset field, then */        
                 doff = 0                 /* this isn't a data field  */        
                 Iterate i                /* Take no action           */        
              type = Strip(Substr(segdef.i,37,5))   /* Cvt from ESAMAP */       
              desc = Substr(segdef.i,43)   /* format to SLR macro      */       
              desc = Strip(Left(Strip(desc,,''''),30))                          
              If type = 'FLT' Then Do                                           
                 fldlen = 4                                                     
                 type = 'FLOAT'                                                 
              Else If type = 'BIN15' Then Do                                    
                 fldlen = 2                                                     
                 type = 'FIXED'                                                 
              Else If type = 'BIN' Then Do                                      
                 fldlen = 4                                                     
                 type = 'FIXED'                                                 
              Else If type = 'CHAR' Then                                        
                                    fldlen = Strip(Substr(segdef.i,30,2))       
              name = Translate(Strip(Substr(segdef.i,8,8)))                     
            Build the macro and push it into the output stream.                 
              r.1 = '       ALLDATA NAME='name                                  
              r.1 = r.1||',OFFSET='offset+seghlen+doff||','                     
              r.1 = Left(r.1,71)'*'                                             
              r.2 = '               INTYPE='type',LENGTH='fldlen','             
              r.2 = Left(r.2,71)'*'                                             
              r.3 = '               DESC='''desc''''                            
              r.3 = Left(r.3,72)                                                
              r.0 = 3                                                           
              'Callpipe Stem r. |',                                             
                 'pad 80 |',                                                    
                 '>>' segname'L ASSEMBLE A F'                                   
              If type <> 'CHAR' Then Do                                         
        Build the macro and push it into the output stream.                     
                 r.1 = '       SUMDATA NAME='name                               
                 r.1 = r.1||',VALUE=SUM('||name||'),'                           
                 r.1 = Left(r.1,71)'*'                                          
                 r.2 = '               EDIT=F(8),UNIT=''Count'','               
                 r.2 = Left(r.2,71)'*'                                          
                 r.3 = '               DESC='''desc''''                         
                 r.3 = Left(r.3,72)                                             
                 r.4 = '*'                                                      
                 r.0 = 4                                                        
                 'Callpipe Stem r. | stem sumfile. append'                      
              doff = doff + fldlen   /* For the "While" clause */               
            End i  /* Do i = 1... */                                            
               'append literal         TABEND |',                               
               'append literal         END|',                                   
               'pad 80 |',                                                      
               '>>' segname'L ASSEMBLE A F'                                     
            If sumstub <> sumfile.0 Then Do                                     
               'Stem sumfile. |',                                               
               'append literal         TABEND |',                               
               'append literal         END|',                                   
               'pad 80 |',                                                      
               '>' segname'S ASSEMBLE A F'                                      
         End   /* If doseg */                                                   
         rec = Substr(rec,seglen+1)                                             
         'Callpipe Stem segments. | nfind' segname'| stem segments.'            
         If segments.0 = 0 Then Call Exit 0  /* We're done */                   
      End   /* Do While rec <> '' */                                            
   End   /* Do Forever */                                                       

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