The zMON component of zVPS provides an alert mechanism. It allows a site to customize alerts for a variety of purposes.
It is not possible to review all of the zMON or zVIEW screens looking for trouble spots. That is where zALERT comes in. The alert engine will analyze customer provided alerts for specific areas that are of interest. When a threshold on an alert is exceeded, a message is written to the alert display. Alerts can be displayed either on a 3270 screen, the zVIEW alerts menu item, or the zALERT CGI.
A number of sample alerts are provided with the product. These alerts are designed to get started and should be customized. The samples provide alerts for CPU Utilization, Page and Spool Utilization, Page Rate, and I/O Rate. Also Virtual machine CPU, page rate, I/O rate, Linux CPU, swap rat swap utilization, filesystem I/O, filesystem utilization and much more. There is also a growing catalog of sample alerts on the web site.
Additional details on zALERT can be found in presentations on our web site.